February in Review

February continued the trend of the last few years of being one of the busiest months of the year, comparable with the traditionally busy Spring season. The team was kept extremely busy in the Bendigo area, whilst things were a bit quieter across Central Victoria and the other areas of Melbourne that we cover. Dusk photography continues to be increasingly popular with several photographers shooting each night during the week across the state. Due to the unusual wet weather at the start of the year many gardens were in bloom and grass was a lot greener than usual towards the end of summer. Which made for some great garden and rural images!

We also continued ongoing work for the All Seasons Hotel Complex capturing a variety of functions and room set ups throughout the month.

We are hiring!

We are looking for an experienced photographer/videographer to join our team in the Bendigo area. If you are interested please get in touch with Nathan and email a CV and portfolio of your images.



79 Rosa Crt, Kyneton
Tamara Mactier
Ray White Kyneton

Product Insight - Videos

Property videos have been growing in popularity for many years and are a particularly good way to showcase a property online and on social media. There are several different types of videos that we produce depending on the clients requirements. Our videographers use cameras on gimbals allowing for smooth movement throughout the house, and video captured from a drone is also used regularly.

Property Video
Typically 2-3 minutes in length, a walkthrough video of the property edited to music and also including close up features of the house. It may also include some drone footage showcasing the location of the property and any nearby landmarks.

Property Video with Agent
The same as a standard property video but typically including an introduction by the agent and some closing comments at the end of the video. It can also include some other segments of the agent speaking about features of the home, or a voice over mentioning these features.

Drone Video
This type of video is usually 60-90 seconds in length and is comprised of drone footage flying over the property. This is best used to showcase larger properties on acreage, highlighting shedding and other improvements or properties with spectacular views and appealing nearby features.

Social Media Video
A more recent addition to the range of videos created, a social media video is typically in vertical format and may only be 30-60 seconds in length. It is primarily for use on Instagram and Facebook reels which is best suited to a shorter format highlighting only the main features of the home. This is usually supplied along with a standard property video which is the main video used in online advertising, and the social media video used to gain interest on social media.

Meet our Office Manager Nick

How long have you worked in real estate photography?

Good question! I think I started in 2020. Has it been that long already!? Wow. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

As rare as it is! 

Any time spent with the family is always nice. Being a dad of 2 girls, I am no stranger to playing hair model in their salon. They don't do a bad job, just make me fetch the tools. 

I enjoy getting the chance to catch up with close friends. I'm fortunate enough to have relationships with people that have lasted my lifetime, so that is always good. 

Take in a Nuggets game when I get the chance. Same goes for the Red Sox when the season starts.

Apart from that! Schooling the kids at Mario Kart after they talk a big game.......pretty hard to beat. 

What do you love most about your job?

The dynamic nature of the industry. Nothing stays the same, ever evolving. Keeps you on your toes. 

The customer service side of things I enjoy. Knowing clients are happy with the product we produce is always fantastic. And if not, working to make sure they are. 

It can be challenging, but what job isn't? 

Favourite holiday destination?

Ok story time!!! 

My grandparents were beach goers for a while. And one summer decided to head to Bright instead. So, my dad spent his childhood summers there. 

Then when myself and my sister came along, we did too! 

Now it's our kids turn. Bit of a generational Summer holiday spot we all enjoy. 

Some very fond memories of that place and do our best to create more. 

So if I disappear in January or February for a couple of weeks. You know where to find me haha. 

Short answer. Bright Vic.

Favourite movie?

Tough one! 

So let's break it down into some simple genres. 

Action: T2 Judgement day - best action movie ever made. 

Drama - Lincoln - Daniel Day Lewis is incredible in that role. 

Comedy - Coming to America - doesn't matter how many times I see the barber shop scenes, I kill myself laughing. 

Crime - The Godfather part 1 and 2. Can't watch 1 without the other. Usually run them once every 12 months. 

Scifi - Yep, nerd. So what. Star wars.

Thriller/Horror: Halloweens - except 3 - no Michael Myers, no Halloween! Don't know what they were thinking with that one!

And finally 

Christmas - yes it's a genre! National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - closely followed by Home Alone. 

What’s your favourite documentary?

Ken Burns - The Civil War - stumbled across it on Netflix when it was on there years ago. 

Incredible story. Extremely well made. 

Annnd the Crescent and the Cross - On the crusades. Fascinating stuff! 

What’s your favourite TV Show?

Again tough one! 

But! There is a short list I can't split the difference on. In no particular order. 

The Wire - one of the best shows ever made - if you haven't! Do it!!! 

Chernobyl - incredibly accurate and terrifying! 

The Simpsons - I may have a couple of Simpsons characters tattooed. 

1883 - just wow. 

Loved Hell on Wheels too! 

What music do you listen to?

Anything. My playlists can be all over the place. 

Name a genre and I'll have a go to track or pretty close to!

I have spent evenings around a pool table listening to Manhattan Serenade by Jo Stafford and Tommy Dorsey. Recorded in 1942 that one. Some of the big band stuff from back in the day is pretty amazing.

Love most rock from 65-75 - stuff just sounds amazing. Incredible artists and talent.

The flip side of that is I have seen Slipknot 7 times live......do I intend to go again? Every......single.......time. 

Favourite food?

It is sooooo hard to go past a good steak. 

Favourite restaurant?

Used to be Veer Italia in Ballarat but it closed. 

In saying that, 5 Acres or The Wandi Pub in Wandiligong I highly recommend if in the area. Both have incredible outdoor areas. 

Drink of choice?

During the day - coffee, iced, instant or thanks to an amazing friend hooking me up with a coffee machine recently - lattes/cappuccinos. I have to play barrista though because I made the mistake of making a babyccino and it is in high demand once the machine fires up.

Working late - Red Bull. 

Social Drinks - Coors or Jack Daniels. 

Favourite sports/teams?

Always been a big fan of boxing. It's one of those subjects that can be talked about for hours on end in my case. 

AFL: Geelong Cats  - Been fortunate enough to see some success over the years. Hopefully more to come.

Football/Soccer: Manchester United - One of those very fortunate fans that remembers VIVIDLY how iconic the 90s were. Class of 92, Becks, Fergie - Schmiechel is god!!!

NBA: Denver Nuggets - Nikola Jokic is jussssst a FREAK!

MLB: Boston Red Sox - Yep! Or whoever is playing the Yankees!!!! 

Anything else of interest?

Grown up around Bendigo Amateur Soccer, was a big part of my life for a very long time. Was a part of one of the most successful seasons a Soccer Club has had in Bendigo. 2013 with Strathdale. 

Trained Boxing and American Kenpo Karate in my teenage years - no official amateur fights, but got my bell rung a few times hopping into the ring in those days. Got as far as training for my third belt in American Kenpo. Would be something I would love to return to some day. 

I was fortunate enough to meet Corey Taylor a few years back - very cool dude. Not real tall.......either am I for that matter.

Been lucky enough to see some of the rock/metal worlds biggest bands over the years. 

Love going to Concerts/Festivals - Soundwave when it existed, Download, Knotfest - but one of the best concerts I have been to would have to be the Slipknot world tour in 2012 at Rod Laver Arena. Couldn't talk for 2 days afterwards took a good 5 to recover my voice. Would I do it again? Absolutely! 


book. capture. deliver.

Capturing real estate in Victoria since 2011.

The KH Studio


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March in Review


January in Review